ONE PIECE CARD GAME is a collectible card game based on the world of ONE PIECE!
Characters from the entire history of ONE PIECE, including the anime, manga and movies, are represented in the game, plus there are cards inspired by famous scenes from all of these stories!
One Piece Tournament presented by:
Format: played in standard format according to current rules:
- Saturday:
– Registration: 11:00 to 14:30
– Start of the game: 15:00 - Sunday:
– Registration: 11:00 to 14:30
– Start of play: 15:00
- You need your own One Piece deck to take part
- There is also the possibility to swap cards
- The prizes are provided by Play Kingdom.
- Registration and the tournament will take place in the TCG Area
- Prices: Promo Packs for One Piece
- Registration for the One Piece TCG Tournament on site in the TCG Area!