Cosplay Contests

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Cosplay Contest – TOC Qualifier

presented by


A cosplay contest is of course a must at KokoroKon! Register by 20.01.2025 with the required data and convince first the jury in the pre-judging and later the audience at the catwalk on stage with your costume!
No performance is necessary!

But that’s not all! At the Kokorokon you have the chance to qualify for the Tournament of Champions qualify! The final will take place at YuniCon!

In the final, you will represent Austria and compete against 14 other international participants!


  • Costumes that have already placed in other competitions are excluded from participation. The same applies to OCs.
  • Modifications of characters are only eligible with proper reference, such as Zach Fischer versions of Blizzard characters or Hannah Alexander designs, etc.
  • Furthermore, costumes that are not 80-90% self-made will be disqualified (exceptions are e.g. shoes, the use of a third-party printer for 3D printing, etc.).
  • Also excluded are all persons who have not reached the minimum age of 18 years at the time of pre-selection.
  • If one or more reasons for exclusion/disqualification are only discovered after the event, any ranking will be retroactively revoked by disqualification.
  • By registering for this competition, you agree to return any prizes in such a case.


Please send us the form below by 20.01.2025

Important: We need a portfolio in PDF format!
This should include:

  • min. 1 to max. 5 well detailed reference images
  • 10 to max. 15 WIPs (Work In Progress pictures, i.e. pictures of your work process)
  • A list of the materials used
  • A rough estimate of your working hours
  • (Brief) description of your work steps as well as your choice of materials (preferably in English)
  • Picture of the 70-80% completed cosplay
  • The portfolio should not exceed 30 pages.
  • A reference image of the character (displayed on stage, max. 5 MB).

Each participant will be allocated a starting number and a time slot for their pre-judging. Please be there at least 10 minutes before your pre-judging slot to avoid delays.


Due to the limited number of 20 participants, we will make a pre-selection in cooperation with a selected jury. In this case, the pre-selection jury is not the jury for the final competition and only serves to evaluate the individual applications. It is therefore important that your portfolio is as complete as possible.

Each participant must have a valid KokoroKon ticket to participate
(the competition is on Saturday 08.02.2025) The ticket can be purchased in advance or at the
box office.

The winners will be announced during the award ceremony on Saturday, February 8, 2025
If you cannot be present, please let us know at the information stand
and give us your contact details.


1st place: 500€ + prizes from Cosplay

2nd place: 250€ + prizes from Cosplay

3rd place: 150€ + prizes from Cosplay

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