Photo Contests


Cosplay Photo Contest

Our ever-popular photo competition is also a must at Kokorokon, with a matching theme of course:

“Love at first sight”

Love is something beautiful, so beautiful that we can’t get enough of pictures that are bursting with it.

Melt our hearts with your submissions. Love is multifaceted, especially love at first sight, we are looking forward to classics of romantic love, but we can hardly wait to see your interpretations of perhaps platonic love or even love for yourself.

Registration ends on 31.1.2024


Less is more (or, the 5 minute edit)

Your photo is almost perfect out of cam, but just today you had a pimple that couldn’t be covered with any make-up in the world?
No stress, go away.
You’ve taken the perfect photo, everything fits, the location, the pose, the facial expressions, the light, it’s fantastic…but in this one photo, Grandma Hildegard is taking her evening walk in the background?
The grandma becomes the mending tool’s undoing.
The picture has become slightly too bright in the rush?
We won’t eat you up for the one slider that is pushed into Photoshop.

We have found that some pictures often don’t make it to Out of Cam competitions because the photographer and cosplayer are not happy with them due to such small details, so instead of an Out of Cam category we prefer to make a Minimal Edit category, we don’t want to see wild edits here, a touch up here and there is absolutely okay, but basically it should be close to an Out of Cam category, just with the freedom to fix small flaws.

More is more

Do we need to say much more? Whatever is fun is allowed, 10 tons of Photoshop are no problem, push your programs to their limits, unpack the overlays and brushes, work for hours on the most beautiful gradient conversions, just show us your great editing skills!

General rules

  • The photo must show at least one cosplayer. OC’s are allowed as long as the person is clearly recognizable as being in costume.
  • Keep it nice. Photos that glorify violence, contain discriminatory, overly sexualized or otherwise questionable elements are excluded from the competition.
  • Please submit the image as a JPG, there are no size specifications, but everyone should be aware that the better the quality, the better the chances of placement.
  • By submitting the photo, the participant agrees that YuniCon may use and publish the image for the event and on social media.
  • The rights of any material used must be owned by the creator or be royalty-free, meaning stock material is allowed as long as you have created it or legally acquired it or it is available royalty-free.
  • In addition to the submitted image, we also ask for the original (JPG or RAW), which helps us to see and appreciate the extent of your editing.
  • Both photographers and cosplayers may take part; by submitting the picture you confirm that you have obtained permission from the other party.
  • Each participant may submit 1 picture per category.

    For cosplayer A, this means the following: If they have a picture of themselves taken by photographer B, they may submit it to the competition. Similarly, photographer B can submit another picture that also features cosplayer A – that’s perfectly fine.If other photographers such as C, D, E or F also have great pictures of cosplayer A and want to submit them to the competition, they are welcome to do so. The same applies to the other category: when it comes to photographers, they can submit pictures featuring cosplayer A, and cosplayer A can also submit pictures taken by different photographers. It is therefore possible that the same person can be seen in several photos by different photographers.
  • Our theme “Love at first sight” can be interpreted in many ways, we would be delighted if you would take the time to explain to us in a few words why you have chosen your photo for this theme.

    We would like to make it clear once again that we are a competition with a theme. In past competitions, we often received submissions that had no obvious connection to the theme and were not accompanied by any explanation. We do not want to deprive anyone of the opportunity to present their photos and have therefore refrained from disqualifying such submissions.
    However, you should be aware that in a themed competition there is only a real chance of winning if the photo is also related to the theme, and if this is not apparent and not explained it is impossible for us to evaluate the photo according to our criteria.
  • Please use a permanent upload and not a temporary one. Our judges will access the pictures on the day of the evaluation via the link you have provided, if your link has already expired they will not have access to your picture.

    Please also make sure that access is permitted, i.e. public, so that we can access the images without having to wait for confirmation of any access requests.

We would like to make it clear once again that we are a competition with a theme. In past competitions, we often received submissions that had no obvious connection to the theme and were not accompanied by any explanation. We do not want to deprive anyone of the opportunity to present their photos and have therefore refrained from disqualifying such submissions.
However, you should be aware that in a themed competition there is only a real chance of winning if the photo is also related to the theme, and if this is not apparent and not explained it is impossible for us to evaluate the photo according to our criteria.

Please use a permanent upload and not a temporary one. Our judges will access the pictures on the day of the evaluation via the link you have provided, if your link has already expired they will not have access to your picture.

Please also make sure that access is permitted, i.e. public, so that we can access the images without having to wait for confirmation of any access requests.

The winners will be announced at the award ceremony on Saturday and the prizes presented there. If you are unable to attend the award ceremony, please provide your contact details at the information stand.

ATTENTION! The audience award will be announced on Sunday at the award ceremony!

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