Trading Card Game Tournaments

The black eye

“The Black Eye” (DSA) is a German pen & paper role-playing game. It is set in the fictional world of Aventuria, which is known for its detailed and profound design. Players take on the roles of heroes and experience adventures together, with a game master describing the world and controlling the actions of the non-player characters (NPCs).

DSA Tournament presented by

Format: played in standard format according to current rules:


  • Saturday:
    – Registration: 11:00 to 14:30
    – Start of the game: First adventure at 12:00, the next at 15:00
  • Sunday:
    – Registration: 11:00 to 14:30
    – Start of the game: First adventure at 12:00, the next at 15:00


  • You need your own DSA deck to participate
  • There is also the possibility to swap cards
  • Registration and the tournament will take place in the TCG Area
  • Prizes: Prize Packs for DSA
  • The prizes are provided by Play Kingdom.
  • Registration for the DSA tournament on site in the TCG Area!

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