
18+ Auction

Give your 18+ treasures a good new home, or drop by and don’t miss out on unique deals.

The 18+ auction is a private auction in which private individuals can pass on their special treasures, such as limited (original) dakimakura and doujinshi, or figures, artwork and the like!

When: Sunday 17:15

Where: in the 18+ area on the stage

How to register: Come to the 18+ info stand on Sunday and enter the desired item in the list. Be on time at 17:15 with the auction item at the stage for the announcement of the ranking!

What do I need to consider?

  • A maximum of 2 items per person may be auctioned.
  • All auctions are final – you must accept the price achieved, even if it is less than you had hoped for.
  • You can keep the auctioned money, the final settlement is to be done privately.
  • No auctions of persons and objects that violate Austrian law will be accepted
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