18+ Area


18+ Area dealer

Of course, the celebration of love also has an appropriate place for those who are already of age. The very large 18+ area will have its own stage with a program, as well as its own exhibitors and traders who will be allowed to show their wares without having to worry about minors being in the room.

If you would like to take part, fill out the form below by 14.11.2024.

  • A table costs 180€ (excl. VAT) and includes a table measuring 200x50cm (beer table), a chair and 1 ticket.
  • Electricity can be booked optionally for 50€ (incl. VAT).
  • The products you offer should be in the 18+ area and at least 70% of your range should be NSFW. We won’t count your products and calculate a percentage on the spot, but you should be able to see a consistent picture.
  • Ai content and the sale of stolen artwork/dropshipping is not desired to any extent and in case of suspicion we will contact you accordingly to clarify the suspicion.

→ Registration deadline is 14.11.2024.

→ We allocate places on a first-come-first-served basis.

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KokoroKon- Mascot Fox